Craft Resources

There are lots and lots of places to go on the internet for writing resources. I have visited a great many. Most are mush, consisting of shallow and trite copy (with vague promises of good stuff if one registers).

But there are some writers who've generously published (for free) amazing resources, ideas, and advice. Here are some:

Barry Eisler includes links to various topics including writing the book, getting published, marketing, resources for indie authors, and recommended reading. Links to tools for software also.

Rosina Lippi has heartfelt and sincere advice based on personal experience:
Her book Homestead is amazing.

A partial list of some very good books:

Burroway, Janet:
So, Is it Done?
Writing Fiction

Checkoway, Julie:
Creating Fiction

Dillard, Annie:
The Writer's Life

Forster, E.M.:
Aspects of the Novel

Johnstone, Bret Anthony:
Naming the World

Gardner, John:
Art of Fiction
On Becoming a Novelist

Gilchrist, Ellen:
Falling Through Space: The Journals of Ellen Gilchrist
The Writing Life

Goldberg, Natalie:
Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within

Gotham Writers' Workshop:
Writing Fiction

Johnson, Bret Anthony and Bausch, Richard:
Naming the World: And Other Exercises for the Creative Writer

King, Stephen:
On Writing

Lamont, Annie:
Bird by Bird

See, Carolyn
Making a Literary Life

Wood, James:
How Fiction Works

Zinsser, William Knowlton:
Inventing the Truth: The Art and Craft of Memoir

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